Is studying stressing you out?

Do you find yourself:

  • Doing everything possible to avoid studying?

  • Going blank when you try to think or plan for an assignment?

  • Having difficulty focusing?

  • Finding endless ways to distract yourself? Maybe you’re onto your third cup of tea or coffee for the day, or have just finished staring vacantly at the contents of your fridge? You’re searching instagram for the second or third time in less than a minute (– deeply unsatisfying because you’re already up-to-date with the feed and most of the latest posts are ads for products you can’t afford right now).

  • Lying awake at night worrying, only to wake up the next day feeling tired and irritable?

If one or more of these behaviours describes you,  you might be experiencing stress or anxiety.

What’s the difference between stress and anxiety?

Stress is a short-term response to a trigger like having unfinished assignments hanging over you. Knowing how much work and effort is involved to produce assignments is not a comfortable thought, so it can be easier to avoid them and focus on something more enjoyable – like binge-watching the latest Netflix series. But a consequence can be sleepless nights worrying about what we are avoiding.

Once those assignments or essays have been submitted, stress levels usually return to normal or are significantly reduced, and the body’s nervous system has a chance to replenish itself through relaxation, sleep and healthy eating.

Anxiety can be a chronic problem with many layers. On the one hand, it is the body’s survival response and motivates us to flee or to defend ourselves from immediate physical danger. Anxiety becomes a problem when actual threats to our safety are confused with anticipated ones, and the body’s protective systems are in constant hyperarousal mode – unable to switch off.

To learn how counselling could assist you, email me at or book a free, no obligation 15-minute introductory call

Image by JESHOOTS-com on Pixabay

Gab Tydd

I am a professionally qualified counsellor and therapist based in Newtown, NSW. I support individuals, including people in the creative industries to find more helpful ways to cope with stress and to more effectively communicate with people in their lives – at work, at home and in social interactions.

I also support individuals who are feeling stuck or finding it difficult to navigate through challenging times and transitions in their lives, including the transition to a new life stage.

I am passionate about helping individuals to become more aware of their personal strengths and values to help navigate through life more clearly. I am also passionate about helping individuals to move beyond a life lived in fear to live the best life they can.